How to Get Paid Writing Reviews Online

Millions of products are bought and sold online each year and for each product there could be hundreds of customer reviews. If you review products already, or have a lot of products in mind that you could review, learning how to get paid writing reviews online might be the online business opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

A World of Reviews

Review WebsiteAs the world continues to move into the digital age just about anything you might want to purchase is available to you online. If you’ve ever used a website like then you also expect to be able to read at least a few reviews of a product before you make your purchase.

The reviews that you commonly read are most often from people that either had a positive or negative experience about a product and don’t review more than a few products each year.

But is it possible to build an online business that can generate a full-time income just from writing reviews online?

The answer, simply, is yes.

How to Get Paid Writing Reviews Online

If you’ve ever purchased something on discount websites like Groupon then you might be familiar with the affiliate link they provide you to share on your social media and other websites you might post on. If enough people click on your link and then make a purchase, you get your purchase for free.

The same concept is applied in Online Affiliate Marketing, only on a much larger scale and with real money.

It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a review about a pair of shoes, a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator, or just about anything else, if someone reads your review and purchases the product after clicking your affiliate link, you earn a small commission. Most sites, including Amazon, have affiliate programs that you can sign up for and start earning money from any sales that you refer.

Depending on how much the product you are reviewing costs and the percentage of the sale you get as an affiliate, there’s really no limit to the amount of money you could earn.

Earning Potential

But how do you get enough people to even read your review and then purchase the product based on your recommendation at all?

Instead of only writing a short review on the website that you purchased the product from, you are able to write a full-length review and post it on your own website. Once you have your own website you can post as many reviews as you want about as many products as you want and earn commissions for any sales that you refer.

You might be thinking that creating your own website and posting reviews couldn’t possibly be the best way to get paid writing reviews online. You’ve never built a website before and you don’t have money to start your own business so how is this supposed to make you any money?

If you’re looking for a fast dollar then there are plenty of places you can find online that will pay for your writing but this website is not a place where you will be learning to make quick money. What you will be doing is building something of your own that has the potential of earning a full-time income – but it’s not going to happen right away.

If you’ve ever wanted to start your own business and earn a living working online so you can live life the way you want, building your own website is the first step in doing that.

How to Start Creating Your Review Website

Before you build your website you are going to need a name for it. Since you are building an affiliate review website that will focus on getting ranked in search engines with keywords, including a keyword in your website name can help drive more traffic to your site.

For example, you might want to have the words “online product reviews” in your title.

Online Product Review

After searching for “online product reviews” in the Jaaxy keyword research tool there are a few pretty good options available. At this point you can choose whichever one you like best but for the example we will use “best online product reviews” because the competition (QSR) is low.

The next thing you need to do is either purchase a domain that you own, which usually costs around $13.99 per year, or build a free website. If you are serious about building a business and want to have the best chance at ranking in search engines you are eventually going to want to purchase your own domain.

Next you need to see if the domain name is available.

Domain Name

Using the SiteRubix Site Domain feature it looks like the .com extension of my keyword isn’t available. The .org is available but if you really want a .com extension then you can add on to it.

Domain Name

By adding my name to the front of the keyword the .com extension becomes available. Once you purchase the domain name you are ready to start building your website and posting reviews!

How to Make Money from Your Reviews

Having your own website and reviewing products isn’t going to make you any money until you start getting traffic to your website. The first couple of months that you post reviews on your website you might not see very much traffic. Since you are competing against thousands of other websites it is necessary that you are writing your posts and building your website in such a way that search engines can find it and people will want to read it.

If you are just starting out in the online world and have never started your own business before then you are going need some training to help you make the most out of your time working online.

You might be able to get your website up and running with reviews and affiliate links without too much trouble but unless you know what it takes to find success in the online affiliate world then you are going to be wasting a lot of time with trial and error. Time that can be used reviewing another product and building an authority in the review niche.

The training site that I use, and the one that has helped me build two businesses from scratch, is Wealthy Affiliate. Not only can you get a FREE starter membership which includes access to training and 2 free websites, there is an entire social community of thousands of like-minding people who are building online businesses that earn them a full-time income online that you can network with.

Building your own website and posting quality reviews will help you build trust within search engines as well as your niche. As your website starts being seen by more and more people, the potential for earning a living writing reviews is endless.

Join Wealthy Affiliate

What can you do today to start building your online review business?

To your success,




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